Everything you need to travel the Germanic states is included in these highly detailed street maps. Load City Navigator Europe NT Alps + DACH directly to your device and navigate turn-by-turn to any address or intersection. Route to points of interest, including restaurants, petrol stations, lodging, attractions and more. Coverage includes detailed maps of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Northern Italy and Eastern France. Powered by NAVTEQ, a world leader in premium-quality digital map data.
Everything you need to travel Italy and Greece is included in these highly detailed street maps. Load City Navigator Europe NT – Italy + Greece directly to your device and navigate turn-by-turn to any address or intersection. Route to points of interest, including restaurants, petrol stations, lodging, attractions and more. Coverage includes detailed maps of Italy, Vatican City State, San Marino, Malta and Greece. Powered by NAVTEQ, a world leader in premium-quality digital map data.
Everything you need to travel France and Benelux is included in these highly detailed street maps. Load City Navigator Europe NT – Benelux + France directly to your device and navigate turn-by-turn to any address or intersection. Route to points of interest, including restaurants, petrol stations, lodging, attractions and more. Coverage includes detailed maps of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and all of France. Powered by NAVTEQ, a world leader in premium-quality digital map data.
Everything you need to travel the Nordic countries is included in these highly detailed street maps. Load City Navigator Europe NT – Nordics directly to your device and navigate turn-by-turn to any address or intersection. Route to points of interest, including restaurants, petrol stations, lodging, attractions and more. Coverage includes detailed maps of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Powered by NAVTEQ, a world leader in premium-quality digital map data.
Everything you need to travel Spain and Portugal is included in these highly detailed street maps. Load City City Navigator Europe NT – Spain + Portugal directly to your device and navigate turn-by-turn to any address or intersection. Route to points of interest, including restaurants, petrol stations, lodging, attractions and more. Coverage includes Spain, Andorra, Portugal and Gibraltar. Powered by NAVTEQ, a world leader in premium-quality digital map data.
Includes Great Britain, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, and major cities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Everything you need to travel the United Kingdom and Ireland is included in these highly detailed street maps. Load City Navigator Europe NT – UK + Ireland directly to your device and navigate turn-by-turn to any address or intersection. Route to points of interest, including restaurants, petrol stations, lodging, attractions and more. Coverage includes Great Britain, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, and major cities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Powered by NAVTEQ, a world leader in premium-quality digital map data.
* Navigační mapa České republiky. ATLAS Czech 2011 NT je digitální navigační automapou s plným silničním a uličním pokrytím celé České republiky. Mapa se instaluje na počítač s operačním systémem Windows (2000/XP/Vista/7) a po registraci a vložení odemykacího klíče lze mapu nahrát do příslušného přístroje GPS Garmin, který je vybaven mapovou pamětí. Na instalaci mapy včetně obslužného software je třeba 100 MB volného místa na pevném disku počítače.
* Navigační data jsou aktuální k únoru 2011. * Mapa umožňuje vyhledávání adres ČR podle orientačních čísel ve všech navigacích a navíc podle popisných čísel v novějších navigacích (modely nuvi 1xxx/2xxx/3xxx). * Vyhledávání adres podle popisných čísel j eu těchto novějších navigací dostupné přímo z mapy. * Starší typy automobilových navigací (Garmin nuvi 2xx a 7xx) mají možnost vyhledávat adresy podle popisných čísel pomocí adresní databáze Adresy CR v2. * Vrstva Adresy CR v2 je pro tyto starší navigace k dispozici jako součást mapy. * Mapa ATLAS CZECH NT 2011 nově podporuje funkci Asistent řazení do jízdních pruhů – kompatibilní navigace při použití mapy ukazují před křižovatkou informaci, ve kterém jízdním pruhu je optimální se držet. * Doplněno více jak 100.000 nových úseků komunikací – nové cesty a lokální cesty v obcích a na kraji obcí * Více jak 10.000 nových bodů zájmu
* Mapa je kompatibilní s navigacemi značky Garmin, které podporují mapový formát NT.
Jedná se o tyto navigace: * všechny autonavigace řady Nuvi, Zumo, * starší autonavigace řady StreetPilot cXXX, StreetPilot i2/i3 a StreetPilot 27XX/28XX, * iQue M3/M4, GPSMAP 276C/278, Quest 2 * oudorové přístroje řady eTrex Venture/Legend/Vista Cx, HCx, GPSMAP 60Cx/60CSx, GPSMAP 76Cx/76CSx * kompletní škála modelů řady Colorado, Dakota a Oregon,
In the current version is: - 237 cities and resorts of detailed maps - 199 cities with the ability to search by street name, - 47 cities with the ability to search by street number or number block.
Ability to search by house number or block number is in Aksakovo, Albena, Bansko, Belogradchik, Berkovitsa Blagoevgrad Bojurishte, Burgas, Varna, Veliko Tarnovo, Velingrad, Vidin, Vratsa, Gabrovo, Dimitrovgrad Dobrinishte, Dobrich, Dupnitsa Kazanlak, Kosharitsa, Kardzhali, Kyustendil, Lovech, Montana, Nessebar, Obzor, Pazardzhik, Pernik, Petrich, Pleven, Plovdiv, Pomorie, Ravda Ruse Sarafovo, St. Vlas, Silistra, Sliven, Sunny Beach, Smolyan, Smyadovo, Sofia , Stamboliyski, Stara Zagora, Sungurlare, Haskovo Hisar, Tsarevo, Chepelare, Shumen, Yambol,
New in this version: Korigrani layers of the map. Added many new items in 40 cities. Posted by lines of regional centers. Add the names of streets in gr.Kula added addresses and street names in Dragoman.